Tuesday, January 10, 2012

She's back!

Coming out of my cocoon after a number of months. Time to share again what is going on with my own transformation. But first, a Very Happy Transformative Year to all!

After 24 months of travelling back and forth between Canada and Sri Lanka, I chose to make Canada my home base this past summer. I must admit that Ottawa in the winter is not my cup of tea, which is why I am currently in West Africa until late January(smile). But what makes my country so special to me is the very rich professional life I have been blessed with, the friends who have always had my back, and my son Adrien whose zest for life brings me so much pleasure and pride. Those things are irreplacable and were sorely missed.

My two years of wandering did change my priorities and created a sense of urgency in working with talented people to help them show up boldly in their lives to make a difference in the wider world. There are multiple reasons to follow the path of ease and least resistance, particularly for those of us who are entering our fifth, sixth, seventh decade. Retirement seems to be opening its fluffy arms... so why the sense of unfinished business, the need to contribute to the positive transformation of planet, why get involved with leaders of all ages?

I have produced a few more podcasts on Transformation. One of them with a wise woman who is refusing to call it quits at seventy, despite the voices all around her telling her she is no longer relevant and should gently retire. Go to my landing page at www.dennery.ca to watch a Dialogue with fiesty Cathy Carmody.

One new development: I am renewing my commitment to my own learning by completing a second certification in Coaching, this time with Erickson College International with a view to getting a designation with the International Coaching Federation --recognized the world over. The 3rd of 5 modules awaits me when I return to sub zero temperatures later this month.

I will keep you posted on other professional and personal developments as they occur... and not six months from now. Promise!

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