Monday, November 1, 2010

Recipe for Magic

Had a wonderful time playing catch up with my friend Caroline Ishii, owner and chef of Zen Kitchen, a gourmet vegetarian restaurant in Canada's capital that had been wonderfully successful since it opened a little over a year ago. Watch my website for a webcast of this Dialogue on Transformation soon. A few days after the videotaping, on Halloween, we continued our conversation way past the witching hour, and the following recipe emerged for creating magic in our lives:

First, you need the right frame of mind. In your psyche, that means holding a belief that your life is shaped by you, not simply happening to you. Without that conviction, you can turn off the oven and stop cooking right now!

Next, you want to become very curious about what you are creating, particularly if it is not what you want, but even if it is. Like a Chef who experiments, you will want to taste the results and decide if you need to adjust your thoughts and actions to create the outcome you crave. Watch for signs that you are in the right direction... or not. More on this in a future post.

Third, the ingredient that holds it all together is Trust. Even if what you want is nothing but a twinkle in your eye, you need to believe that it is possible. Caroline and I both commented on the need to surround yourself with 'believers' to assuage occasional self doubt. This is not the time to engage your relatives or friends who will give you 101 reasons you can't follow your dream. You can save that for later, when you can brush them off with a smug smile!

Finally, it is important to recognize success, even if it doesn't look like what you had anticipated. The mates we attract don't always look like the Prince Charming we dreamed about as young girls (smile). In the same way, our creations aren't always picture perfect. Take what you have created, celebrate with zest, and continue to add seasoning until you get it to your liking.

Usually this is when many artists and entrepreneurs tire of their creation, create chaos in their lives, and embark on their next life adventure.



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